I took the train to Regensburg. At 1215 I was in Regensburg HBF, my hotel is not far from here. In Thurn und Taxis Schlossfestspiele 2004 my second Greek night with Agnes Baltsa and Xarhakos conducting. The exactly same program as in Ingolstadt. I think Ingolstadt was the better concert, others thought that this one was slightly better.
Maybe it was my seat, the audience (from where I was seated) did not react so enthusiastically as in Ingolstadt. And I had the misfortune to have Xarhakos standing right in front of Agnes Baltsa, I could mostly just see her hands, and I was sitting next to someone who was not quiet... And maybe the head-ache I had before going to the concert
wasn't the best prelude to a concert... The loud-speakers where OK, but the orchestra seem not to have good balance, but then the orchestra was not in the center of the stage, it was more in the left
(as seen from the audience). Agnes Baltsa was enjoying herself and the orchestra and pushed Xarhakos to bow for the audience, just like
in the other concert, and the audience responded enthusiastically.
Personally I really loved the Ingolstadt concert, Regensburg was beautiful, but not quite the top's.
Stavros Xarhakos, Leitung
„Lieder meiner Heimat“ – von Mikis Theodorakis,
Stavros Xarhakos u.a.
State Orchestra of Hellenic Music
Stavros Xarhakos, conductor
Stavros Xarhakos: Otan horeve i Frinta*
(As Frinta danced)
Stavros Xarhakos: Nikterino paliou pathous*
(Nocturne of ancient passion)
Stavros Xarhakos: Hathike to fegari (The lost moon)
Vasilis Tsitsanis: Arhóntissa (Princess of my heart)
Stavros Xarhakos: O sinthesis taxidevi sto potami* (The composer sails in the river)
Spiros Peristeris: Mes'ton onta enos passa (In private room)
Stavros Xarhakos: To praktorio (The lonely station)
Stavros Xarhakos: Stis skies trion filon* (In the shadow of three friends)
Stavros Xarhakos: Nin ke ai (Now and forever)
* for orchestra

This page was last updated: June 20, 2022