Nedda = Nuccia Focile
Tonio = Alberto Mastromarino
Beppo = Kenneth Tarver
Silvio = Markus Brück
Ion Marin, conductor
Inszenierung - David Pountney
Bühne, Kostüme - Robert Innes Hopkins
Choreography - Silke Sense
Chöre - Ulrich Paetzholdt
After the Cavalleria Rusticana I am convinced the Pagliacci will also be good enough. A woman comes, and tells us that Canio Jose Cura will be singing, great relief. But he has a voice conduction and a bad back. But he is still singing, asks us forgive that his movements would be more proper for a Tonio than Canio.
Poutney, the director, has a special idea for Pagliacci, the end of CavRust is repeated from the moment (Hanno mazzato compare Turriddu), and while Claire Powell (Mamma Lucia) laying there with Turriddu, (you can see it is a dummy, not well-made even), Alfio comes out, he is now Tonio (Alberto Mastromarino) to sing the prolog. Yep, it is irony. Or is it?
Time after time in Pagliacci the sets a moved hither and dither and never it really seem to have a reason, that it annoying. Nedda is the diva, and Silvio is just a fan, and the love duet is just a.. what... two people in their own world. In the end Canio kills both Nedda and Silvio. But here Canio only pretend to kill Nedda, but slices Silvio's neck. It is just stupid, stupid, stupid.
Wonderful sung and acted by all. But the opera has lost almost all sense.

This page was last updated: June 20, 2022