7 pm, Grand Theatre
Verismo Gala
Miskolc Symphonic Orchestra
Host: Ferenc Baranyi
Conducted by: János Ács
Directed by: Imre Halasi
Scala + Baltsa + Gavanelli = fesztiválfinálé
Igazi operacsillagok - Agnes Baltsa és Paolo Gavenelli mellett -
Kátai Natasa és Miroslav Dvorsky voltak a Verismo gála,
a "Bartók+Verismo 2006" záróeseményének fellépõi.
Kalandozás népszerû és kevésbé ismert verista operák legszebb
dallamival - ez lehetne a mottója a "Bartók+Verismo 2006" gála
estjének. Elsõként a Bajazzók prológusa hangzott el, amelyben
Leoncavallo megfogalmazta a verizmus "arc poeticáját" az igazságról
(vero). Aztán a Parasztbecsület, az Andrea Chénier és a Carmen
slágerei következtek. A veristák elõfutárának tartott Bizet és
verizmus kiteljesítõi, Mascagni, Leoncavallo, Girodano mûvei mellett
egy kevésbé ismert a szerzõ, Cilea két operájából is elhangzott egy-
egy ária: felcsendültek az Adriana Lecouvreur és a L'Arlesiana
Az est fellépõi a nagy operaszínpadok ünnepelt sztárjai: világhírû
görög származású mezzoszoprán, Agnes Baltsa a 2004/2005-ös évadban
Bécsben a Parasztbecsület Santuzzájaként aratott sikereket. Az olasz
bariton, Paolo Gavanelli nem elõször lépett fel Miskolcon:
emlékezetes a 2003-as Leporello-alakítása Renato Brusonnal. A gála
szopránja, a zenei tanulmányait Miskolcon kezdõ Kátai Natasa tavaly
a Tell Vilmosban Matilde szerepében debütált a "nagy" Bruson
oldalán. A fesztivál utolsó tenoráriáit a Wiener Staatsoper szlovák
származású énekese Miroslav Dvorsky tolmácsolásában hallhattuk. A
Miskolci Szimfonikus Zenekart Ács János vezényelte"
Verismo Gala, Miskolci Nemzetközi Operafesztivál
Agnes Baltsa, mezzo
Miroslav Dvorsky, tenor
Paolo Gavanello, baritone
Natasa Kátai, soprano
SO I guess you want to know was it worth it: YES. Agnes Baltsa was great she sang, of course the Santuzza aria (Voi lo sapete, o mamma) and the duet with Turriddu (no surprise there) but it did not end there, when Turriddu (Miroslav Dvorsky) went out, the music continued and then Paolo Gavanello came it and then it became the duet Santuzza/Alfio (not often a concert piece). IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!
First part was the Cavalleria Rusticana / Pagliacci arias, duets. It started with Pagliacci Prolog which was very appropriate. The second part was the more unknown operas/arias. Started with what was probably something from the opera L'Amico Fritz, then Paolo Gavanello sang aria (CILEA?), it was the aria from Catalani's LA WALLY, Lamento di Federico. Gavanello sang Nemico della Patria (ANDREA CHENIER).... and finally Baltsa came and it was CARMEN, Seguedilla, Miroslav Dvorsky sang the flower aria, and the Verismo Gala ended with the Carmen duet, and when Carmen died it was over.
No extra numbers, nothing. But then my friend told me that it was something happening inside the house, an reception. So we went there. Eva Marton was there, and soon came Agnes Baltsa, Dvorský etc. Of course there was wine, food, and many other people. It was speeches, and naturally Agnes Baltsa was the toast. And I even got a chance to talk to her. I never got a chance to take a photo. Not in the theatre, the usher turned me down. And in the reception it never seemed to be the right thing to do. I could naturally just have asked Agnes Baltsa, I think she might have said yes. But it was enough somehow to be near.
1. Leoncavallo: PAGLIACCI - Prologo - "Si puo?" - PAOLO GAVANELLO, baritone
2. Leoncavallo: PAGLIACCI - "Qual fiamma avea nel guardo!" - "Stridono lassù" - Natasa Kátai, soprano
3. Mascagni: CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA - "Voi lo sapete, o mamma" - Agnes Baltsa, mezzo
4. Mascagni: CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA - "Mamma, quel vino è generoso" - Miroslav Dvorsky, tenor
5. Mascagni: CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA - Intermezzo
6a. Mascagni: CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA - "Tu qui, Santuzza" - Miroslav Dvorsky, tenor
& Agnes Baltsa, mezzo
6b. Mascagni: CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA - "Iddio vi manda, compar Alfio" - Agnes Baltsa, mezzo & Paolo Gavanello, baritone
7. Mascagni: L'AMICO FRITZ - Intermezzo
8. Ponchiello: LA GIOCONDA - "O monumento" - Paolo Gavanello, baritone
9. Catalani: LA WALLY - "Ebben! Ne andrò lontana" - Natasa Kátai, soprano
10. Puccini: IL TABARRO - "Nulla! Silenzio!" - Paolo Gavanello, baritone
11. Cilea: ADRIANA LECOUVREUR - "Io son l' umile ancella" - Natasa Kátai, soprano
12. Cilea: L'ARLESIANA - "E' la solita storia del pastore" - Miroslav Dvorsky, tenor
13. Giordano: ANDREA CHENIER - "Nemico della patria" - Paolo Gavanello, baritone
14. Bizet: CARMEN - "Près des remparts de Seville" - Agnes Baltsa, mezzo
15. Bizet: CARMEN - "La fleur que tu m'avais jetée" - Miroslav Dvorsky, tenor
16. Bizet: CARMEN - "C'est toi? - C'est moi" - Agnes Baltsa, mezzo & Miroslav Dvorsky, tenor