Nabucco = Alberto Gazale
Ismaele = Teodor Ilincai
Fenena = Zoryana Kushpler
Zaccaria = Ain Anger
Il Gran Sacerdote di Belo = Janusz Monarcha
Abdallo = Carlos Osuna
Anna = Elisabeta Marin
Jesús López-Cobos, conductor
Regie - Günther Kramer
Bühne - Manfred Voss und Petra Buchholz
Kostüme - Falk Bauer
Licht - Manfred Voss

After a wonderful Jenufa on May 9th, another wonderful opera on May 10th: Nabucco in Wiener Staatsoper. Alberto Gazale sang Nabucco in stead of Leo Nucci who was still recovering from an illnes. At the beginning of the opera he sang Nabucco as if he was trying to be Leo Nucci singing the role. Luckily he as the evening progressed he came more into himself and showed himself as a Nabucco to admire.
Maria Guleghina was Abigaille. With body and soul she was Abigaille, singing as forceful and as quiet as the role demands with her voice ready to any high thrill or low note. What an actor an singer she is! The most amazing aspect was how well she sang in the duet with Nabucco and in her last moment: Su me morente esanime. No weakness showed that the great singer was suffefing from the blow of the theater curtain falling on her forehead when the singers took their first applaus after act 2. How could Wiener Staatsoper accept such an accident to happen? And to add insult to injury to call it a head-ache as the official did that talked to the audience. I had an head-ache, she had a trauma to her head, that is a very different matter. I sat in row 2nd and I heard only "schwere kopf-schmerzen aber trotzdem singen", I could not hear which singer but for me it sounded as if was Teodor Iloncai, Ismaele, who was sick. Big difference!!
Teodor Ilincai was Ismaele. Good-looking and wonderful voice so no wonder two women both wanted him. This was one of the few times I understood Abigailles passion for this man, Ismaele. I loved his voice and acting and wish him all the luck further. I hope that he will still look good when I see him in bigger roles. Eat well and exercise as we all should!
Ain Anger was another new recruit to this production and made a good figure lf his role. It was another great night at the opera. But because of the accident Maria Guleghina could not go to Kazachtan as the Unicef Goodwill Ambassador to sing a benefit concert... Wiener Staatsoper should make a compensation for all this. Get well, Maria, and thank you for a wonderful night at the Opera!!!
This page was last updated: June 20, 2022