Lina = Virginia Tola
Stankar = Nicola Alaimo
Raffaele = Bruno Ribeiro
Jorg = Jose Antonio Garcia
Federico = Maurizio Pace
Dorotea = Diana Axentii
Maurizio Benini, conductor
Producer: Guy Montavon
Sets, Costumes - Francesco Calcagnini
Lighting - Guy Montavon
Chorus master - Stefano Visconti
New coproduction with Teatro Regio, Parma

The regie was ok except that it ignored sometimes what the libretto said. That makes it less authentic. And poor Raffaele all dressed in colors in this black/white world. Why was he there still with all that rejection. That showed in my opinion an amateurish regie consept. No doubt others will tell me that that was pure genious. Sorry, I disagree. Friends?
The singing was wonderful. Jose Cura did one of his best Stiffelios. Virginia Tola sang Lina. Nicola Alaimo was Stankar. Bruno Ribeiro was Raffaele. Jose Antonio Garcia was Jorg. Maurizio Pace was Federico and Diana Axentii was Dorotea. Conductor was Maurizio Benini.
This page was last updated: June 20, 2022