The King = Carlo Cigni
Amneris = Daniela Barcellona
Aida = Hui He
Radamès = Jorge de León
Ramfis = Marco Spotti
Amonasro = Alberto Mastromarino
A messenger = Riccardo Botta
High Priestess = Elena Rossi
Omer Meir Wellber, conductor
Director - Carlus Padrissa e Alex Ollé / La Fura dels Baus
Set - Roland Olbeter
Assistant Director / Choreographer - Valentina Carrasco
Costumes - Chu Uroz
Lighting designer - Paolo Mazzon
AIDA, Arena di Verona 2013-07-21. Regie by Fura del Baus. Hui He was an amazing AIDA, Jorge de Leon was a lovely Radames and Daniela Barcellona excelled as Amneris.
The costumes was great to OK. Aida is on Egypt so why not make an extra story about the British Museum taking artifacts from Egypt. Well, first because this is opera staged and no film, so it is not working nor is it needed. The Regista must really love moving heavy objects around because it was happening all the time also at delicate musical times. And it really did not add anything of worth to the opera. Only distractions. The crocodiles in act 2 was also a distraction. Mechanical animals, camels and elephants. Cute, but... Was the whipping of the Ethiopian prisioners really necessary and why dressed like that? And all those in orange suits...
Musically speaking it was a triumph, especially the 3 protagonists and orchestra and chorus. The ballett, no. Really, no. Hui He carried the opera. The was the focus point. Alberto Mastromarino was a superb Amonasro. I saw a wonderful AIDA in 2005, please, bring it back!!!!

This page was last updated: June 20, 2022